• Repair Services

    Why A Screen Protector Is Important For Your Galaxy S7

    Samsung has earned its reputation in the market with the launch of their famous galaxy phones every year. Now with the release of galaxy S10, the prices for galaxy S7 have significantly dropped. This gives the opportunity to all the Samsung lovers out there to finally get their hands of their favourite phone, even if it is late. Even if Galaxy S7 may be an older model, it definitely is not lacking behind in specifications and features. However, one big issue which most people face with smartphones is how fragile their glasses can be. One single fall from the right angle may just be what they require to shatter from…

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  • Uncategorised

    Getting Yourself A Surface Charger – Yay Or Nay

    If you are someone who is sick and tired of having your phone charged very often and not being able to use it because it is probably on charging most of the times, then we have got a solution for you. A surface charger is something that will help you as a way out for working and dealing with tangled wires on a daily basis. If this is what you are going through every day, we highly recommend you to getting yourself a surface charger which will not only make your life easier but also provide you with a charging experience that you have never gotten before. This is mainly…

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